
Thursday, January 29, 2015

CFED Assets & Opportunities Scorecard released today

New Data Expose Income Inequality, Overall Financial Insecurity
Despite signs of progress, economic recovery missing millions of Americans

This morning marks the official release of its 2015 Assets & Opportunity Scorecard, which looks at 135 different measures to paint a picture of how residents are doing in their quest to achieve financial security, and what states are doing to help get them there.
The 2015 Scorecard finds that millions of Americans are seeing little evidence of economic recovery, despite the fact that several indicators suggest the economy is improving. The research finds substantial disparities between low-income households and their wealthier counterparts, as well as between white households and households of color. For example, while 72% of white households own their home, only 46% of households of color can say the same.
Produced annually, the Assets & Opportunity Scorecard offers the most comprehensive look available at Americans' ability to save and build wealth, stay out of poverty and create a more prosperous future. It is designed to be a powerful tool that advocates can use to educate policymakers and other community leaders about the need for strategies that help individuals and families get ahead.
Features of this year's Scorecard include:
The Assets & Opportunity Scorecard is made possible each year thanks to the many Assets & Opportunity Network Leaders who are committed to expanding the reach and deepening the impact of asset-based strategies that create economic opportunity. It is also possible thanks to the generosity of its funders, including the Ford Foundation, Northwest Area Foundation, Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, Walter S. Johnson Foundation and Surdna Foundation.
Click here for a full list of news stories on the Scorecard, and click here to access the full 2015 Scorecard.

Psst! Hey you! Yes, YOU! Are you a huge data nerd or policy wonk? You're not alone!
Luckily, we've got today's to-do list covered:
  1. Dig into the report. Tweet directly from the interactive report or share the report's infographics on Facebook. (Don't forget to use #CFEDScorecard in your social media updates!)
  2. Start an interstate rivalry. Use dynamic data on 67 outcome measures and 68 policy measures to show how your state stacks up against your neighbors.
  3. Impress your colleagues. Make your own charts, graphs and handouts, and then use them in your next presentation to lawmakers.
  4. Silence your opponents. Next time you find yourself in a Facebook war with that crazy cousin of yours, use the Scorecard to arm yourself with the facts you need to declare victory!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

2014 EITC in North Dakota

Click here to read about EITC in North Dakota.