Thursday, December 6, 2012

Food Insecurity in North Dakota


The Creating a Hunger Free North Dakota Coalition reports a 20% increase in usage of food banks in ND.  As an example, when a food bank truck visited  Williams county, which boasts a 1.9% unemployment rate in the heart of oil country, 500 cars lined up for food. In addition, we are struggling with housing, particularly in the western part of the state, putting a severe strain on homeless shelters and county social services. We have seen astounding increases in rents (between 500-1000)%. 

This represents a 20% increase since recession began in 2007

17,000 children in North Dakota lived in households where there was an uncertainty of having, or being able to get enough, food for all household members because of lack of money or other resources (2010).


Yes, things are going well in North Dakota's economy; so well that this number should be 0.

1 comment:

  1. Let's do what we can with the great resources we have in our state to end hunger in ND!
