Simulation exercise deepens understanding of poverty
Pamela Knudson on Apr 11, 2018 at 4:07 p.m.
A set of four overturned chairs represents an "evicted"
family in the United Way's Poverty Simulation exercise at the Alerus Center
Monday. Photo by Eric Hylden/Grand Forks Herald
One family is faced with
the choice of selling their refrigerator or stove to get extra money for food
and other necessities.
Another has been evicted
from their home, and find themselves homeless with a baby to care for.
These and other
scenarios became the focus for about 70 people who participated in a first-ever
"poverty simulation" exercise hosted Tuesday by the local United Way
The event, presented
with the UND Nonprofit Leadership Program, was a means for people "to
learn about poverty in our community," said Pat Berger, president and CEO
of United Way of Grand Forks, East Grand Forks and Area.
Participants, with
varied backgrounds, sampled what life is like for people who are trying to cope
with financial difficulties by playing the roles of actual former clients of
the Community Action social service agency.
In small groups,
participants were given scenarios outlining the cases of former clients of the
Community Action social services agency. The clients' circumstances and
situations varied.
"You're stepping
into the shoes of actual clients of Community Action," said Andrea Olson,
executive director of the agency which serves 25,000 North Dakota families.
In four weeks, each
lasting 15 minutes, at stations around the room, role-players had to pay bills,
go to work, get children to school or day care, procure food, obtain safe and
secure housing, cope with health emergencies and respond to unexpected
challenges—like utilities being turned off or vehicle breakdown.
"I was amazed by
the lengths people would go to to afford basic needs," said Amelia Indvik
who played a child whose grandmother had suffered a stroke and was unable to
get health care.
Monica Fallon said,
"The transportation part of it was a huge thing."
Earl Beal, retired
faculty member in the counseling psychology program, said he was impressed that
the exercise "increased the awareness of, so often, the gaps that exist
among and between agencies."
"There could be
increased synergy," he said.
Beal was pleased the
exercise helped participants "see the need for strong connection between
agencies," he said, as well as the "redundancy and overlap" in
social programs.
Others mentioned the
frustration they felt trying to navigate a bureaucratic system that seemed to
erect barriers to, rather than encourage, financial independence.
"How do you cut
through that red tape?" said Dana Sande, Grand Forks City Council
president, in the closing recap. "How do people get the services they

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